A recent comment from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. I edited some of it to reduce the disparaging, defamatory, derogatory nature.
An anonymous comment was made regarding a comment made previously by another anonymous individual who asked, "If some residents don't want to live in a rural town, why do they move here?" . I removed some of the words in their comment but otherwise left the comment as written. I thought it merited further discussion if anyone cares to comment. Please avoid disparaging, humiliating, defamatory, or derogatory words or phrases. This is their comment:
"If some residents don't want to live in a rural town, why do they move here?"
Now there's an ******** comment, if ever I saw one. Do you get out much?
What is "rural"? Run-down shacks on the main highway through the city? A lack of facilities and services? Residents out to preserve their view (which actually belongs to somebody else)? ********* from former city leaders who should know better but don't actually have much in the way of facts to back up their story with?
What next? Forced evictions for residents who want to improve the city or don't believe that property owners have the right to block their neighbors from sub-dividing their own land?
Personally, I'd move back to Albany in a heartbeat if I had to live anywhere near some ******** in this city but fortunately, they all seem to be in other parts of the city.