Friday, September 29, 2006

A recent comment from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. I edited some of it to reduce the disparaging, defamatory, derogatory nature.

An anonymous comment was made regarding a comment made previously by another anonymous individual who asked, "If some residents don't want to live in a rural town, why do they move here?" . I removed some of the words in their comment but otherwise left the comment as written. I thought it merited further discussion if anyone cares to comment. Please avoid disparaging, humiliating, defamatory, or derogatory words or phrases. This is their comment:

"If some residents don't want to live in a rural town, why do they move here?"

Now there's an ******** comment, if ever I saw one. Do you get out much?

What is "rural"? Run-down shacks on the main highway through the city? A lack of facilities and services? Residents out to preserve their view (which actually belongs to somebody else)? ********* from former city leaders who should know better but don't actually have much in the way of facts to back up their story with?

What next? Forced evictions for residents who want to improve the city or don't believe that property owners have the right to block their neighbors from sub-dividing their own land?

Personally, I'd move back to Albany in a heartbeat if I had to live anywhere near some ******** in this city but fortunately, they all seem to be in other parts of the city.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

LUBA Sends Tangent Proposal Back To The City...Again

As quoted in the Albany Democrat, September 13, 2006, The Land Use Board of Appeals, (LUBA) found fault with the city's decision to allow City Councilor Mel Brush to develop part of his 84-acre farm, for a second time. I was one of the 6 residents who appealed the city's decision. I appealed because the city denied me an opportunity to testify on what I thought was a new proposal by Councilor Brush to build 123 houses on nearly 50 acres. LUBA agreed, it was a new proposal. The city was at fault for denying me an opportunity to testify. Additionally, the Department of Land Conservation and Development was denied an opportunity to give written testimony, and LUBA agreed they also had the right to participate. More important to me was the city's decision to deny acceptance of many letters written by residents to the "New Proposal". I have been and will continue to be an advocate for the citizen's of Tangent to participate in all phases of land use decisions , as required by State Goal 1 and, as indicated by the LUBA decision, "the city's own plan guarantees its citizens a right to do so."

Email me if you would like a copy of the LUBA decision and/or a copy of the Democrat Herald's article. Click on "View my complete profile" below my picture, then click on "Email" below where it reads "Contact"

Or leave a comment here.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tangent Harvest Festival

Greetings Neighbors,

The Tangent Harvest Festival this year was reduced to a “Fireman’s Breakfast” and a car show. I went there to enjoy the feast and see some of the cars. Below are some pictures from the two events. Enjoy!

The food line was bountiful, the service excellent, and the volunteer firefighters and staff were full of smiles

Dale and Ella McDowell, long time residents and the former Fire Chief of Tangent finish up their breakfast. They were some of the early risers.

Melissa Lassiter, Ethan Leavenworth and Jennifer Leavenworth just sit down to pancakes, ham, and eggs.

Commissioner Del Shirley, Councilor Curt Smith, and Commissioner Shirley's wife Ruth share a conversation while finishing their coffee.

Residents Brian and Sandy Becker and their daughter Makenna are all smiles after finishing their feast!

Below, some of the cars that arrived early parked near "La Roca", a new mexican restaurant that occupies the old Tangent Store of the 70's and early 80's. After Breakfast, the owners moved them to the Old Bass Estate where they were displayed until 4PM.