A recent comment from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. I edited some of it to reduce the disparaging, defamatory, derogatory nature.
An anonymous comment was made regarding a comment made previously by another anonymous individual who asked, "If some residents don't want to live in a rural town, why do they move here?" . I removed some of the words in their comment but otherwise left the comment as written. I thought it merited further discussion if anyone cares to comment. Please avoid disparaging, humiliating, defamatory, or derogatory words or phrases. This is their comment:
"If some residents don't want to live in a rural town, why do they move here?"
Now there's an ******** comment, if ever I saw one. Do you get out much?
What is "rural"? Run-down shacks on the main highway through the city? A lack of facilities and services? Residents out to preserve their view (which actually belongs to somebody else)? ********* from former city leaders who should know better but don't actually have much in the way of facts to back up their story with?
What next? Forced evictions for residents who want to improve the city or don't believe that property owners have the right to block their neighbors from sub-dividing their own land?
Personally, I'd move back to Albany in a heartbeat if I had to live anywhere near some ******** in this city but fortunately, they all seem to be in other parts of the city.
Re: "Run-down shacks." Tangent has a very attractive Downtown Plan. The Planning Commission would love to hear from a few energetic and creative citizens that will make it happen. Come to the next meeting on Thursday October 5 a 7pm and let us hear your thoughts.
Remember no one can make you feel inferior without yourpermission.
Frankly, this person should move back to Albany. This person appears to want to divide citizens by asserting that their views are gospel. Which seems to be more of what we've been dished in recent years here in this City. A few people who drink together at the Dixie, camp together on weekends, believe that they know what is best for everyone. They refuse to serve the citizens they were elected by, yet continue to serve personal interests.
Are you saying that those who live on the main highway live in shacks? That's pretty rude. Apparently you live in a glass house?
I have not heard from any prior city leaders that they are anti-growth.
What prior leaders and citizens are asking for is growth that is well planned for, sustainable taking into consideration services and system availability.
Current city leaders have not performed well, they have over spent, under planned, and understated personal interests at the expense of the citizens of Tangent.
City staff lacks education and skills necessary to serve this community.
SDC fees are too low and are not adequate to cover costs of new development at this time.
There is no tax base in place to hire adequate staff, fund streets (or even own them), and provide other long term O&M for this city.
This list could go on and on.
Those are the facts.
Regarding those "shacks", I happen to live on 99 and I resent my home being called a shack! You should be ashamed of yourself for writing that! It might be better for both of us if you move back to Albany!
Why should the person move back to Albany? What kind of city is this that can't take criticism?
Maybe their comments were a bit over the top but there were a few points in there. Perhaps the person wants to fix some things in the city, in which case they should certainly stay and pitch in, like Del says, with ideas and energy, rather than just criticisms.
Some properties in Tangent are disappointingly maintained and a few are on the main highway. The word "eyesore" springs to mind so you can wonder, where is the pride and then wonder further if it is a good reflection on the city?
Not sure the person was out to say their views were gospel - they just sounded pretty fed up with the whinging that goes on and it does seem that a certain group think they hold quite a lot of power. For those that moved here within the past ten or so years, this looks more apparent than they might think.
Not sure about the criticism of the councillors. So far as I can tell, they have done a decent job over the past few years and just because they don't serve you personally, does not mean they are not serving the rest of the citizens who elected them. The opportunity to show otherwise is fast approaching with some positions so it will be an interesting campaign and may the best candidates win.
Again, I think that despite the extreme criticism of the original poster, Tangent should be an understanding, welcoming and above all democratic city and refrain from trying to dispense with "outsiders" to return from whence they came - it serves no purpose at all and they'll probably stay anyway, just to annoy you.
I would like to say WELCOME to all residents of Tangent. The goal is to plan for the future so we can be proud to live here & can aford to continue living in our homes. I don't feel anyone has the right to lable someone elses home a shack.
And what do you think this blog is all about other than to serve the "personl interests" of a few?
Beauty is clearly in the eye of the beholder in Tangent
I don't know about drinking, but I know the city councilors don't go camping together! And whats wrong with having a drink anyway? As long as you don't have 3 councilors at the same table, it's O.K. Stating the Council refuses to serve the citizens they were elected by, is typical comments from the usual un-informed, Just because they don't make decisions you personally want, you say they don't serve you. They are in the position of evaluating information, them making decisions for all, not for personal interests as you say, arn't you speaking also of YOUR personal interest? It's a volunteer job, not an easy one. Hard to please everyone so don't be so critical and cut them some slack. They have done a lot of good things for the city, just look at the lovely parks! It's time for all to stop criticizing.
Dear Anonymous:
You don't think the city has looked at the Big Picture when it comes to growing? Where have you been. The sewer has been looked into, so has the drainage, streets,schools, law enforcement, fire protection, etc. Some of these needs are taken care of before developement occurs, some take place while the developement is happening. To say EVERYTHING must be in place before anymore development occurs is not realistic. Developement pays for all the improvements that are needed. When subdivision applications are brought before the city, that's when the city can make those choices as to what they want the developers to improve and pay for. If they don't pay, they don't get approved! How simple. You state that the city has also "underplanned". Isn't that just what the planning commission is doing at this very moment by forcing their 1501 number? Hmmm.
PLEASE...Can anyone out there get to the MIDDLE of this discussion!? The word COMPROMISE comes to mind. We are dividing this community like a knife. How very SAD for all of us. Some people want to start out slow and be cautious, so they are playing the fear card. They seem to know that we will grow, yes even more than 1501. The number is meaningless, but obviously set to stop or slow down LARGE subdivisions. So would they be willing to help plan smaller housing projects? What size development would you be OK with? Come on, give a little. On the other hand, the pro-growth side is saying they would prefer to have new housing, closer together with sidewalks, etc. Nothing terrible about wanting that either. But can they also see that a large subdivision truly is a huge change for Tangent and what's the big hurry to go so big so fast? Can they bring down the scale and come to a compromise too? It seems all this arguing is over three pieces of property. Hmm, three parties want to sell or develop their land, reasonable and their right, correct? But should three parties have the ability to force a larger community to grow the way they want? No, but until all folks come to the table and start thinking about what would work best for as many people as possible, this will go on for many years! And sadly, I will sign this anonymous like the rest of you. Next time, let's start using our real names. after all we are all in this together, or we should be! and LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR THIS!!
One would think that a person has the right to develop their property. Not so in Tangent. Seems to me that as long as it is done in a manner consistent with the prevailing law that it would be acceptable. Remember that it took 10 YEARS to develop Lone Oak. The notion that a huge development is going to appear overnight is being used to scare people into opposition. Scare tactics.....what a way to garner votes!
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