Tangent Extremists?
The TAP-PAC or Tangent Accountabilitty and Performance Political Action Committee, currently has a membership of two people. City Councilor Curt Smith and the treasurer, Brenda Perry. They sent out a mailing titled Know the Facts. In this document, Del Shirley and I am accused of being anti-growth and I am accused of opposing growth on the Brush property something I have never said. I have always advocated well-planned and well-managed growth. I, along with many others, are also accused of being extremists. This prompted a resident of Tangent to submit a letter to the editor. I am reprinting it here for your chance to review it.
"Tangent ‘extremists’?
Thanks to an anonymous letter circulated to Tangent residents on Wednesday by something called TAP-PAC, we now know what to call people who believe they have the right to have a say in the future of their community.
We used to call them good citizens. According to TAP-PAC they are really extremists, a label used repeatedly in the letter.
Helpfully, the letter even names these Tangent “extremists,” although — are you surprised? — the letter itself is unsigned.
In taking aim at these so-called extremists, the letter says — among many other things — that “misinformation has been circulated about the drainage (problem) in Tangent.” Funny, we and our neighbors always thought that was water flooding our yards every winter. It’s likely the homeowners in Tangent’s newest subdivision, which was flooded in its first winter, thought it was water too. It sure is great to know it’s not water but only misinformation.
The fact is, for years the Tangent City Council has ignored repeated attempts to solve wintertime flooding on our property and our neighbors’ properties. This summer, thanks to the leadership of the Council’s newest member, Tammy Caspar, the Linn County code enforcement officer was brought in to inspect the problem. (Tangent itself doesn’t have any effective code enforcement, another problem conveniently ignored by the Council and TAP-PAC in their rush to develop the city.)
We have been forced to spend lots of money in legal fees trying to protect our home, all because some members of the Tangent City Council don’t really think enforcing ordinances is their job. They don’t think protecting residents, the people who live here already, is their job. They’d much rather waste money and lose court cases in a rush to develop.
Personally, we prefer the extremists.
Jay and Alice Sperling, Tangent"
When I can help EMPOWER Tangent Citizens to participate in our City government, I am proud to be an EXTREEMIST for Tangent.
It seems to be human nature to label those who bring inconvenitent truths with the worst available names, trying to deflect the truth or facts. We call them many things, Fasciests, Commies, Wackos, Ulta-Liberals, Ultra-Conservatives, Terrorists, and Extremists.
It is importatant that we see through the name calling and see it for what it is: a smoke screen tryintg to hide those inconvenient truths.
Jim Wagner
DEMAGOG: one who tries to stir up people's emotions so as to further his own interests.
The postings to this blog are under the control of ONE person. Hmmmmm
Negativity and name calling is a poor way to make a point.
Demagog?? How about Coward. Someone who takes a shot at another person and then doesn't have the guts to sign it. When I was Mayor (6yrs) and councilmember (12 altogether) we had the same city attorney and planner. How many attorney's and planners have we gone through in the last 4 years. I am looking forward to getting a council that will listen to the citizens and not ignore the majority and serve their own selfish interests.
Steve Nofziger
Thank you for naming the originator of "TAPPAC." What a crazy newletter that was; knowing who is behind it makes all the sense in the world. Crazy ramblings from a ..... guy.
I think the comment in the newsletter regarding previous mayors developing a few lots of their land and then trying to compare that to Mel Brush's 3.9 million dollar sellout of his land for development stretches even the most moderate of imaginations. The earlier mayors at least had a grasp on "slow, moderate growth." How can that possibly compare to a 300-500 home development that Councilor Brush proposes?
Someone mentioned the blog site had stupid comments about the TAP PAC letter. My curiosity was met with no surprise. First, TAP PAC has more members than one man and his wife. The extremists, as they are called, like to tear down Mr. Smith becuase they can't stand the truth he stands for. Instead, they spread thier fear and misinformation like rabid bats, seeking blood wherever possible. The initiative meeting was like the blog, another venue to self-diluge each other with the same ole lies. It amazes me the number of people in one small town that refuse to hear truth. They follow one man's lead like members of the Jimmy Jones cult. Be careful, one of your meetings will be serving coolaid.
I like Del Shirley's comment, "I am proud to be an extreemist." Sure he was joking, but in reality Del is a pawn of Seaton's. A groupie if you will. I feel sorry for Del. He is misled.
The nice thing about the TAP PAC letter was all the facts. It is a shame there are those who oppose the 1798 figure. It makes the most sense for sound planning. Why would anyone want to plan for a smaller number and be caught short? Everyone knows the 1500 number is bogus. People know it came from someone who is bias.
Mr. Wagner claims the word extremist is labeling. In reality the word is descriptive. It describes a way of looking at the situation. Like a bell-shaped curve. There are the ends and the middle of the curve. Statistically, the ends are extremes and the mid section the norm or average. Those who want 1501 are at the end or extreme of the curve just like those who want 3000 would be on the other end or extreme. So don't be so offended becuase you don't like the proper definition of your viewpoint if that applies to you. Maybe it should be a wake up call that you should reconsider your position.
My apologies if I did not identify all of the members of the TAP-PAC. Curt Smith and Treasurer, Brenda Perry were the only ones given by the city. Please submit the other members' names and I will post that comment as well.
That TAP-PAC mailing was so full of lies that its writer should consider living somewhere else. Enough of the name calling. Speak to the issues! That so called organized protest at an earlier meeting was a number of citizens coming in to show support for a more moderate growth. I know, I was one of them. I am insulted that the writer of that mailing thinks that one man, Seaton, has this power over us. I have lived here a long time and been to many meetings over the years. It is this current council that needs to be replaced so that the voices of Tangent's citizens can once more be heard. I have been personally intimitated by one particular councilor, made to feel that my opinion is not important. I look forward to a new council and maybe we can get back to the business of running a city government instead of focusing on one thing only, making a few people rich at a huge cost to the rest of us who live here. There are many more things to consider that are to me much more important than rushing to build hundreds of homes like Albany, Lebanon, and Millersburg are doing. Adair has been working on their large scale development for the past three years. They're aware that planning needs to be smart and needs to meet state guidelines so that they don't have to suffer the embarrassment and cost of losing two LUBA appeals like Tangent has.
I support Seaton Maclenin for mayer becuase he is so entelegent. He knows more about Tangent than any other mayer. He listens to us little folks that dont get hurd inuf by them ***** on the consil. I wish he were my pasture. Id go back to church
I challenge anonymous to PROVE to the rest of us that the TAP-PAC mailing was full of lies. Point them out and site the source of your information that proves the statements wrong. We all need to know!
PS Saying that someone is a liar isn't
"name calling" is it?
Yes, Steve, we all remember your tenure and the planner and attorney.......and the results.
The 1798 supporters don't seem to be hearing what the l501 supporters are saying. We are not against growth only fast-unplanned growth. The former administration has been criticized about the current developments that were approved. Although the lands being developed was counted in the BLI the development plans were not brought to the city until the present administration wqs in office. The current council can take full credit for the development standards. The former council felt it was important to infill and complete the comprehensive plan before expanding the UGB. The comp. plan update was moving slow because we were short on the funds needed to do the work.
Anonymous said you don't plan for infrastructure until it's needed, I disagree you don't wait till the cows are out till you fix the fence.
If the people for population of 1501 are extremist, I am proud to be one. The information presented at the Oct. 12th meeting was researched very carefully for accuracy.
I think I know Dell well enough to say HE is a man who speaks for himself he's no ones pawn not even Seaton's.
Just one question - why do you think so many people who wrote in chose to remain anonymous. What's so scary about using your name and expressing your opinion.
Alice Sperling
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