Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Costs and Benefits of Growth

There has been much discussion on the Costs and benefits of growth. At a recent Planning Commission meeting, two major sources of information were made available for review. They were from the Farmland Trust ('COCS%20study%20farmland%20trust') and from the National Association of Home Builders (

I invite you to review these sources and make comments

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rural Character might be..

A small Post Office - no line no waiting

A local car garage

A solar clothes dryer...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Trust In Tangent

On behalf of Jim Wagner I am posting a topic he requested. It was a comment he made earlier but requested it become a topic for discussion. Thank you, Seaton

Today, (May 20, 2006) we saw yet another case that indicates how low trust is between some Tangent residents. Seaton made an error when he tried one of his audio CDs (with recording of a city meeting) in one of the City Computers. In raising an alarm about this, some of which may have been warranted, it was questioned why anyone would want to record city meetings on their own and seemed to imply that some nefarious motive was behind this. In fact, the audio quality is superior to that provided by the City's little tape recorder, it records a lot longer without having to change any tapes, and duplicates can be made in a very short time, very inexpensively, for anyone who wants one. Seaton is simply doing this as a public service and I applaud his effort. It seems so strange that any other motive would be suspected. And, even if there were another motive, citizens have a right to do so. A similar situation arose when Seaton reported the presence of "family and cake" at the most recent Brush Remand Hearing. He was reporting a simple fact; nobody denies that Brush family and cake were present! Yet, some saw this as criticism of the Brushes! May I simply suggest that we, all of us, curb the tendency to read undesirable motives into our neighbors actions? Tangent is too small to be able survive this for very long. We have to live together and when we view are neighbors actions with automatic suspicion, we ALL loose. Thanks everyone.

Jim Wagner

Monday, May 22, 2006

City Styles ideas - How about a "cottage Neighborhood"?

At one recent Planning Commission meeting some discussion revolved around different designs and styles for Tangent's future. Some thought it would be too limiting and others thought it might help to identify Tangent more. There was mention of the things that make Tangent unique like the railroad - part of what gave Tangent its name. One idea for dense growth that incorporates open space is the Cottage Neighborhood, such as the one shown here in Redmond Washington. It was highlighted in the March 2006 issue of Sunset Magazine.

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tangent Ballot Measure Passes

Although the official results are not completely tabulated, as of May 16, 2006, the citizens of Tangent have apparently decided that the new Vision Statements for the Comprehensive Plan meets their approval. The City of Tangent now has an official guide for the city's future. Out of the 549 currently registered voters, 207 of them, nearly 70% of the citizens who voted, voted yes and 90 voted no.

After many neighborhood meetings and a Vision Party at the Electric Training facility in Tangent, the Planning Commission was able to prepare and recommend to the City Council, several vision statements utilizing the core values expressed by the citizens and relating to statewide planning goals.

Is Drainage a concern for you

For the owner of this home on Tangent Drive in Tangent, drainage is a big concern. This year the water level of the drainage ditch in front of this home was above the culvert.

Does anyone have any additional pictures of flooding that they would like to share?

What are your concerns about drainage in Tangent?

Flooding threatened home

One of the last new homes built along Tangent Drive in Tangent fell victim to rising waters. The owner had to sandbag the backside of his home.

Tangent Flood December 31, 2005

This last December of 2005 there was a heavy rainy period that put a strain on the culvert that runs under the railroad track along Tangent Drive in Tangent. The water level actually rose a few inches above the top of the culvert

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sending comments

If you would like to comment on anything about Tangent or the articles that appear, you can click on the "comment" word that appears next to the article and then write your comment in the box provided. If you would like to request that some other subjects be discussed, please write a comment to that effect. This is yet another way for citizens and others to be involved with the City of Tangent. If you sign in as anonymous, I will receive a notification email from "anonymous" with your comment. I will post it as soon as I can afterwards. I hope to be able to provide links to other areas of interest in Tangent, like historical information, festivities, events and some pictures to go with it. This is an ongoing interactive site. Please try it.

The first article was one of the controversial subjects in Tangent. Make a suggestion of a topic you would like to talk about.

Lastly, I was asked if I would be moderating the comments. As one visitor has noticed, the moderating option has been enabled. I will do my best to post the comments as written but will not post articles that are derogatory, defamatory or disparaging to any one individual, and I will remove any foul language. Otherwise, the comments will be posted as writen. However, I will be posting one defamatory, disparaging comment made to me personally by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. After this, I hope that this site can become a fast growing, responsive, information gathering and distributing hub.

Thank you all for participating.


Monday, May 15, 2006

The Tank!

Recent construction along Tangent Drive, (Meadow Wood Estates), gave way to a "detention pond" to handle runnoff water from storms at Meadow Wood. This remains a controversial subject. What are your thoughts?

Welcome to a new BLOG for the City of Tangent

Here is a new blog for all residents of the City of Tangent, Oregon. We hope you will participate and join in with your comments and feedback. We created this site for it would be a place to give residents a quick reference on news and events: for example: meeting announcements; on-going events for the city; pictures of events; contact information for the city government; historical information (please contribute!); links to the City website; current issues; reports from the Plannning Commission work sessions; and lots more! Please use the "Comments" feature to give us your opinions and suggestions along the way.