If you would like to comment on anything about Tangent or the articles that appear, you can click on the "comment" word that appears next to the article and then write your comment in the box provided. If you would like to request that some other subjects be discussed, please write a comment to that effect. This is yet another way for citizens and others to be involved with the City of Tangent. If you sign in as anonymous, I will receive a notification email from "anonymous" with your comment. I will post it as soon as I can afterwards. I hope to be able to provide links to other areas of interest in Tangent, like historical information, festivities, events and some pictures to go with it. This is an ongoing interactive site. Please try it.
The first article was one of the controversial subjects in Tangent. Make a suggestion of a topic you would like to talk about.
Lastly, I was asked if I would be moderating the comments. As one visitor has noticed, the moderating option has been enabled. I will do my best to post the comments as written but will not post articles that are derogatory, defamatory or disparaging to any one individual, and I will remove any foul language. Otherwise, the comments will be posted as writen. However, I will be posting one defamatory, disparaging comment made to me personally by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. After this, I hope that this site can become a fast growing, responsive, information gathering and distributing hub.
Thank you all for participating.